How to use Mezzanine on PythonAnywhere

Install mezzanine into a virtualenv

The default version of mezzanine available on PythonAnywhere is a little old. To get the latest version, you need to use a virtualenv. Also, take a look at this PythonAnywhere forum thread if you are using Mezzanine 4 or higher and running into problems.

Creating a virtualenv

Start by creating a virtualenv -- a "virtual environment" which has only the python packages you want, rather than the system default ones. This allows you to use the latest version of mezzanine.

mkvirtualenv mezzanine
# or optionally, mkvirtualenv mezzanine --python=python3  to use Python 3
# you can also use --system-site-packages, see below
  • ASIDE: If you use --system-site-packages, you'll get all of the pythonanywhere batteries included system pacakges like numpy, scipy etc, available in your virtualenv. the difference will be that you will then be able to install your own, upgraded version over the top, which is what we're doing with the mezzanine package.

You will now be "in" the virtualenv. You can tell whenever your virtualenv is active, because its name appears in the bash prompt:

(mezzanine)15:18 ~ $

From this point on, you can use

deactivate # to switch off the virtualenv
workon mezzanine # to go back into the virtualenv

pip install mezzanine
# will show "downloading mezzanine... downloading django.. downloading requests etc
# it may take several minutes for the install to complete.

# check mezzanine has installed correctly
pip freeze | grep -i mezzanine
# this should show a recent version.

If anything goes wrong, make sure you were "in" the virtualenv when you started. Did the prompt have the little (mezzanine)? If not, use workon mezzanine.

Starting a mezzanine project

Next is building your actual mezzanine site.

Creating the project

I'm using project_name as the project name, but you can substitute in whatever you want - as long as you do it everywhere!

workon mezzanine
mezzanine-project project_name
cd project_name

Setting a timezone

Next you'll need to edit the for your project. Use the Files menu to navigate to project_name/, and then find the line that defines TIME_ZONE, and set it to something appropriate, eg:

TIME_ZONE = 'Europe/London'

Creating the database

python createdb --noinput

Creating a web app

Go to the Web tab on PythonAnywhere, and click Start a new Web App. Choose Manual Configuration.


In the virtualenv section of the web tab, enter the path to your virtualenv: /home/yourusername/.virtualenvs/mezzanine in our example.

WSGI configuration: sys.path + django settings module

Once it's loaded, click on the link to your WSGI file, and edit it so that it looks a little like this:

import os
import sys

# add project folder to path
path = '/home/yourusername/project_name'
if path not in sys.path:
    sys.path.insert(0, path)

# Remove any references to your home folder (this can break Mezzanine)
while "." in sys.path:
while "" in sys.path:

# specify django settings
os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'project_name.settings'

# load default django wsgi app for Django < 1.4
import django.core.handlers.wsgi
application = django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIHandler()

# load default django wsgi app for Django >= 1.4
from django.core.wsgi import get_wsgi_application
application = get_wsgi_application()
Reload Web App

Hit the big Reload Web App button, and click on the link to your site. You should now see a live site saying things like "Home" and "Congratulations", but the layout will look all broken, because the CSS isn't loading yet.

Configuring static files

Add a Static files entry on the Web tab

Back on the Web tab, go to the Static Files section, and enter a static file with

  • URL: /static/
  • path: /home/yourusername/project_name/static

Run collectstatic

Open, or re-open your Bash console, and run

workon mezzanine
python collectstatic
Reload web app

Back on the Web tab, hit the big Reload button,

Now your site should be live, and looking good!

Things to think about next

  • The default database for Mezzanine is SQLite. It's fine for testing, but you probably want to switch to MySQL for production use. Check out the UsingMySQL page.
  • You'll want to switch DEBUG to False, and that will need you need to fill in ALLOWED_HOSTS in

Customising templates

There's a few notes in this forum thread: