Using a virtualenv in an IPython notebook

Note: these instructions will only work if you're on our most recent system image

You can use a virtualenv for your IPython notebook. Follow these steps:

  1. For the version of Python that you want in your virtualenv, get the version of the jupyter package

    so for example, if you want to use Python 3.6, run the following and note the version:

    pip3.6 show jupyter
  2. Install the package with the appropriate version into your virtualenv:

    workon my-virtualenv-name  # activate your virtualenv, if you haven't already
    pip install jupyter==<jupyter version from above>
  3. If you're on the Haggis system image, run the following:

    ipython kernel install --name "venv-name" --user

    The name that you give to the kernel can be anything as long as it only contains ASCII letters and numbers and these separators: - . _ (hyphen, period, and underscore)

  4. You should now be able to see your kernel in the IPython notebook menu: Kernel -> Change kernel and be able to switch to it (you may need to refresh the page before it appears in the list). IPython will remember which kernel to use for that notebook from then on.

Note: For this to work, your virtualenv must be in the standard virtualenv directory. That is ~/.virtualenvs