Postgres Shared Memory Error

Postgres Shared Memory Error

If you are getting an error similar to the following when you are running a query against your Postgres database:

psycopg2.errors.DiskFull: could not resize shared memory segment "/PostgreSQL.230765310" to 8388608 bytes: No space left on device

The error is not related to the amount of disk space you have available for your Postgres instance. This error is related to shared memory available to your Postgres database. Some postgres queries create temporary tables or files and those tables or files are stored in shared memory. If the queries you are running create temporary tables or files that are too big to be help in shared memory, then you get that error.

Postgres creates hash tables when joining tables and there are no indexes on the join colums. These hash tables are stored in shared memory and, if you are joining a large number of records, then the hash tables may be too large for the shared memory. You can use EXPLAIN on a query to see if there are references to hash iun the output and, if there are, it may help to add indexes to the columns that are joined on the table.

You can also reduce the shared memoey use of a joining query by limiting the numbher of records that you are likely to join with additional filters in the WHERE clause of your query.