

Warning: Although it is possible to use conda on PythonAnywhere, it's still an experimental feature.

Conda is only available in the haggis system image and more recent ones

Creating the .condarc (optional)

We recommend creating a conda configuration file at ~/.condarc with some basic setup:

# contents of ~/.condarc

auto_activate_base: false
notify_outdated_conda: false

This will do 2 things:

  • prevent the automatic activation of the conda base environment each time you start a Bash console.
  • turn off upgrade notifications, because it is not possible for users to upgrade conda and attempts to do that will lead to confusing errors.

Initializing conda

To initialize conda, in a Bash console, run:

/opt/conda/bin/conda init

You will need to start a new Bash console for this to have effect.

Creating an environment

With conda initialized, you should have a conda command available in a Bash console. To confirm that it's working, just run it.

As the base conda environment is read only, you need to create your own environment to be able to install packages into it. For example, to create a new environment called my_env with requests installed, run:

conda create --name my_env requests

After a successful run (it might take a while!), you should see an output with further instructions:

# To activate this environment, use
#     $ conda activate my_env
# To deactivate an active environment, use
#     $ conda deactivate

By default, environments will be created in ~/.conda/envs/.

Caveats and limitations

Disk quota limitations

Conda environments take a lot of disk space, so creating a new conda environment may take a substantial part of your disk quota, so it may require a paid account.

A tip: if you want to check how much disk space is used by your conda environments and packages, run du -hs ~/.conda. To learn more about disk space limitations, read this help page.

To check existing environments, run conda env list and to remove an environment with its packages, run conda env remove --name my_env (where "my_env" is a name of a previously created environment).

No support for web apps

Currently you will not be able to run a web app in a conda environment.